Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week 11 PLE

Create a PLE Blog post explaining what you learned about TPACK. Be sure to explain each of the constructs in the framework (e.g. PK, TK, etc.) and provide and explanatory example of each.
Pick at least one example of teaching from your past and explain it using the TPACK framework.
Also discuss the representations that various technologies afford. Think about the technologies you have explored in this class and state what representations of content they provide and why these particular representations would be useful in learning the content you are trying to teach.

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

PK(Pedagogical Knowledge is knowing how to teach.)
CK(Content Knowledge is knowing the facts about a particular subject.)
TK(Technological Knowledge is knowing about different technologies and how to use and apply them.)

The TPACK method uses all three knowledges at once for a dynamic learning experience. Representations of different technologies include technological, visual, auditory, dynamic, and multimodal.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 10 PLE

We will explore some additional free online tools which you can use in class. You will create a post on your PLE blog on three technologies you have explored. Answer the following questions about each of the technologies you have explored:
What is the technology called?
What does it help you do?
Where can it be found?

1. Prezi: A web-based presentation tool that uses and map layout and zooming features to show contextual relationships. It's basically like a big powerpoint presentation where you can scroll from slide to slide. Available to download at

2. Mindmeister: A web-based presentation tool that uses the mind mapping concept to create diagrams for projects. You could use this program and create a mind map as the class tells you what to type. Available for use at

3. Gliffy: A web-based tool used to create flow charts and other graphic organizers. Available to download at

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans—What needs to be there…

  • What-Objective
  • Principle/Concept (1 sentence)
  • Materials
    • Teacher
    • Student
  • Technologies
    • Teacher
    • Student
  • Plan
    • Bullet points
  • Extenders—something for fast finishers to do
    • Technology
  • Assessment
    • Informal/Formal
    • "I would test them…"
    • "I would ask them…"

About 2 pages

possible link for help:

Science Lesson Plans

6th Grade

Standard 5
Students will understand that microorganisms range from simple to complex, are found almost everywhere, and are both helpful and harmful.

Objective 1
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.

Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond water.

Compare characteristics common in observed organisms (e.g., color, movement, appendages, shape) and infer their function (e.g., green color found in organisms that are producers, appendages help movement).

Research and report on a microorganism's requirements (i.e., food, water, air, waste disposal, temperature of environment, reproduction).


Students will...

use the digital microscope to look at swamp stuff. Have the students identify the different organisms as amoebas, protozoas, etc.
Digital Microscope

use the pictures from the digital microscope to draw and label the amoebas (create a "pond" on the ceiling or wall with blue paper. Have the students place their drawings of organisms in it)
Colored Pencils

act out groups of amoebas and how they move- video tape it (Possibly like charades. Have students guess it.)
Video Camera

research (using a computer) one simple, and one complex-
Create a Venn diagram comparing the similarities and differences
Computer (Word Document)

make a powerpoint showing what they learned-- include a video, comparisons, etc.
Powerpoint (Computer)

make an edible microorganism and tell 3-4 other classmates all of the parts (possibly include paper strips with labels) Make a class scrapbook containing pictures of each students edible microorganism

make microorganism flashcards (stats like a baseball card) Include a picture. Have the students make several so that they can swap with the other students in the class.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 9 PLE

Complete the midcourse evaluation
Post your answers (1-2 sentences) to the following questions:

  • What are some ways you can tell that you have successfully integrated technology into your lesson?

  • What do you feel technology should accomplish in order to be a legitimate addition to your lesson?

  • What indicators can tell you whether or not you have chosen an appropriate technology for your lesson?

You can tell that you've successfully integrated technology into our lesson by assessing the performance of the students. If the students perform better after a lesson taught with the technology, then the technology was successfully intergrated. If students became distracted by the technology, its not a successful integration.

In order to be a legitimate addition to a lesson, technology should be a functional and easy way to teach students something that is can be better understood because of it.

Indications of an appropriate technology for your lesson include the reaction of the children and the impact on their learning. If students are totally engaged in the lesson and seem to be learning the material, then I would say the technology is appropriate.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 8 PLE

1. Embed your Lesson Plan Table (6 activities) on your blog and wiki.
Make a new page on your wiki to post your Virtual Field Trip documents.
2. Embed your Field Trip Table (4 locations, activities, Google Earth content) on your blog and wiki.
Embed your table on the same page as your lesson plan.

Read this article (2 sections) about TPACK (Click here to go to article) then answer the following questions (1-2 sentences per question): What are some of the problems with learning TPACK skills? What is the main idea of the article? What are some of the ideas in the article that led you to your main idea? What are some reasons that this article might be important for you as a teacher?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Application Autobiographic Questions

Just a few of my repsondes to the questions on my major application

1. I’ve known throughout most of my life that I wanted to teach the question was always where. I started out as a music education major but didn’t feel that the path I had chosen was the right one and I began looking at other possibilities. When I saw the special education major I reflected on some experiences I have had. I volunteered at a youth conference with the Special Olympics and loved it. I’ve worked with adults with disabilities at a professional level. These people made it easier to make this decision. I love working with them. I then decided that this was the right path for me. Being a special education major would allow me to help children that really need help. As I’ve worked more with students with disabilities, my decision as been reaffirmed. I’ve worked with mild/moderate and severe students as I’ve been trying to decide which track I want to take. Although I’ve loved every minute of my experiences, I really enjoyed working in resource rooms in different schools the most. I love having the opportunity to help struggling students and the tools and programs that are becoming available are amazing.

3. I grew up in the Los Angles area and around many people from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. I was taught to not look at people because of their background or socioeconomic status but who they are. Because of what I was taught, I try my best not to judge people before I get a chance to know them. As a teacher that can be the hardest part. In some of my classes, I’ve learned that teachers have to be aware of themselves and who they are. They need to be aware of their students and try not to come across as my cultural and background in better then yours. During my school years, I’ve had the opportunity to tutor kids. I learned that all kids are special and have something to offer to the world. I must remember that Heavenly Father loves them and cares about them. He doesn’t care where they are from or what they look like, he loves them for them. I need to be able to channel that love and let it reflect in my teaching. I need to look to see what our Heavenly Father sees in them. My roommate is student teaching right now. She has told me that sometimes the students that she works with can be difficult and can try her patience but if she can remember that each child is special then she is given the patience and love to teach them.

Best of You

So, random I know, but I was just listening to the music on my computer and the song "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters came up. And it got me's a few of the lyrics

Would you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I’ll never give in
I refuse

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
You trust, you must
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

What I was thinking about was is someone getting the best of me? Last night I was having issues with my computer and my frustration was coming through in my actions and language. A classmate pointed this out to me, and I feel that I should apologize. I need to remember to let everyone see the best of me. Especially when I teach, I should be the best that I can.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - Ensign Article - Learning to Love Learning - Ensign Article - Learning to Love Learning
Elder David A. Bednar

Understanding who we are, where we came from, and why we are on the earth places upon each of us a great responsibility both to learn how to learn and to learn to love learning.

Highlights (If you want the whole article-follow the link above)

Learning to love learning is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ, is vital to our ongoing spiritual and personal development, and is an absolute necessity in the world in which we do now and will yet live, serve, and work. I want to briefly discuss the importance of learning to love learning in three aspects of our lives.

1. Learning to Love Learning Is Central to the Gospel of Jesus Christ

2. Learning to Love Learning Is Vital to Our Ongoing Spiritual and Personal Development

3. Learning to Love Learning Is an Absolute Necessity in the World in Which We Do Now and Will Yet Live, Serve, and Work